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Global Consumer Report (2019)

Global Consumer Report  (2019) 01-05-2019
The global consumption macro trends report 2019 uncovers consumers’ attitudes and behavior in 14 countries.

Ebeltoft Group is continuously working to better understand consumers globally in order to provide leading retailers with the best advice and services. With the ever-increasing globalization and the related changes in consumers’ global outlook, trends and tendencies emerge across borders.

Our yearly publication of Global Retail Trends & Innovations highlights the current and emerging trends in today’s retail environment.

Our retail experts from around the world join forces to share insights from their local markets that inspire ideas to innovate and future-proof businesses.

For the 2019 publication, we reviewed more than 140 innovative examples from 20 countries, revealing the four key trends of what’s to come in retail. This year’s trends are: Omniexperience, Smart Shopping, Engagement, and Activism.

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