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Real Consumer Trust 2021

Real Consumer Trust 2021 20-09-2021
Get the latest wave of Consumers’ Trust research in Retail Brands in Spain.

It has never been more important to understand which brands consumers really trust, due both to the profound changes in purchasing behavior and, above all, to the now undisputed saturation of supply. The priorities change and the selection of the Brand where to buy is more thorough.

KISS Retail is once again investing in market research to support our clients in maximizing opportunities in the management of their Brands and Retail businesses through a deeper understanding of the final purchasing decision makers.

The report analyzes 32 brands from 6 different sectors and unveils the Retail Brand Trust Index ranking and its evolution in the last decade, as well as the why; the implicit attributes that build Trust in a Brand. We have created the new and powerful RBT KPI

Download the summary of 2021 Trust research findings, and if you would like the complete report for your sector to benchmark, please contact us.