Improved communication and customer experience
CosmoCaixa, a science museum belonging to Obra Social de "la Caixa", commissions KISS Retail to improve the experience of visiting the museum in Barcelona.
To define the critical points of the visit circuit and to improve the visitor's experience.
To combine the needs of messages dissemination of "La Caixa" Foundation with those of information for the people visiting the museum.
To increase the impact and efficiency of communication within the museum, to generate greater interest and attendance at the various activities.
Research on visitor circulation and traffic, as well as analysis of the various customer journeys in the museum.
Analysis of the range of services and exhibitions, as well as the effectiveness of communication and signage.
Proposal for the categorization and design of the center’s messages and signage, as well as the location of these according to their function (information, orientation, emotion or commercial activation), and according to the segment of the target public (school groups, families, tourists, adult visitors, institutional event groups...).
The rationalization of the number of messages together with the simplification, prioritization and adaptation of the communication in each specific location, has resulted in a greater impact and efficiency of it, facilitating the orientation of the visitors in a very complex building due to its dimensions and original architecture as the CosmoCaixa Barcelona center.
The combination of digital media with physical signage and effective messages allows for a more streamlined circulation, as well as a better understanding of the entire offer, improving the visiting experience of the vastly different customer profiles.